Easy DIY Tire Bowl | DIY Construction Theme Birthday Party
Learn how to make super simple tire bowls for your DIY construction theme birthday party.
Earlier this month we celebrated my son’s 3rd birthday a few weeks early with a construction theme birthday party at a local children’s gym. It was so much fun!! He loved having all of his friends together to play and eat cupcakes.
Since the party was not at our home, I really didn’t have to do much to prepare for it. This was one of the big factors in choosing to have his birthday party somewhere other than our home. December is just so busy and I didn’t want to add unnecessary stress by trying to prep our home for 20 small children.
So instead we packed up some cupcakes and a few decorations and headed for the gym for a stress-free, super fun birthday party. It was totally worth it!
DIY Construction Birthday Party
My son is obsessed with trucks so it was no surprised that he chose construction trucks as the theme for his birthday party. The week before the party I put together a few quick DIY projects to add to the construction theme decorations and I’m so excited to share them with you!
I focused my projects on the food table – the most important part right? Following along with the construction theme, I built a roadblock cupcake stand, 2 toy car cupcake stands and I made a couple last minute tire bowls that I’m giving quick instructions for down below.
These bowls were so simple. I made them the morning of the party using a few things I found around the house. I like how they turned out and my son thought they were very cool, but I do have a couple ideas to make them even better in the variations down below the instructions.
Easy DIY Tire Bowl
- Egg trays from a case of 5 dozen eggs – Yes, we eat a lot of eggs over here.
- Large rubber bands
- Round reusable food containers – I picked mine up at the Dollar Tree
- Scissors
Make the Easy DIY Tire Bowl
First, cut the egg trays in half. The box of 5 dozen eggs that we purchased from Walmart had 2 trays inside to hold the eggs. I used both trays to make one bowl.
The halves were the perfect height for the round reusable containers that I picked up from the Dollar Tree. It took 3 halves to wrap completely around the container.
Next, bend one of the egg tray halves around the bowl. Put a rubber band around the egg tray to keep it on the bowl.
Then, add 2 more egg tray halves around the bowl, sliding them under the rubber band. Add another rubber band around the bottom of the egg trays and viola – it’s a tire.
I added a few extra rubber bands just so there was back up in case one of them broke.
Easy DIY Tire Bowl Variations
Hot Glue
Since I was making this craft on the day of the party, I kept it really simple. But, if you want a more finished look I’m sure you could also attach the egg trays to the container using a hot glue gun and skip the rubber bands. I think this would look even better.
Make your tire bowls look even more like big truck tires by painting them black. Then, add some “mud” by painting splotches of brown on top. Or even adding some black glitter.
This was my original plan, but I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time for the paint to dry before the party so I left mine plain.
Easy DIY Tire Bowls
This last minute craft project was a super easy addition to my son’s construction birthday party. I love finding ways to use what I have on hand to create fun, quick projects like this one.
If you’re planning a DIY construction birthday party, I hope this simple craft makes the list!
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I want to hear from you!
Tell me you thoughts about this quick and easy craft in the comments below. And if you decide to make a tire bowl for your DIY construction birthday party, I’d love to see it! Share it with me on Facebook or Instagram.